Here are some suggestions for what you can do while your enjoying your 15-minute, convenient massage.
At work
1. Write that email
If you've been waiting to send that longer email, take the time while you're massaging to knock it out. Feel more relaxed and accomplished once the timer goes off.
2. Take notes on a call
If a call is particularly stressful or long, use the massager to chill while taking notes. The massager will be unnoticeable to the people on the line with you, and you can end the call ready to tackle the next one.
3. Enjoy lunch
During your lunch break, take some time to relax. 15 minutes later, you'll be ready for the rest of your afternoon.
4. Brew a cup of coffee
If you're living the caffeine life, brew up a cup of coffee in your cube. Whether you're using a Keurig or a coffee pot, massage while you wait for a delicious cup of coffee.
On the way home
5. Listen to a podcast
Shorter podcasts may only run a few minutes. Turn one on and let the work stresses fall away on the drive.
6. Blast some tunes
Crank the volume and listen to your favorite music station. With the car adapter for the massager, you can enjoy a massage while heading home.
7. In the drive through
Picking up an afternoon Starbucks snack? Or swinging by for a milkshake after a cranky day? Massage during either occassion.
At home
8. Netflix and chill-age
If you're home from work and need a New Girl-length chill session, plug in your new massager. Double relax with humor and Tekjoy.
9. Put together a couple snacks
Get ready to have people over by laying out some salsa, dips, chips and other snacks. Easily multi-task relaxation and party planning with the 10 ft. cord.
10. Clear the counter
Clear off the counter for dinner, cleaning, or for some extra space.